Learning Letters - Letter names, sounds, and handwriting taught using multi-sensory techniques; some high frequency irregular words
Level 1: short a, i, possessives, ck, short o, FSZL, Suffix -s, sh, ch, th, u, ng, short e, wh, open syllables, ay, Suffix -ing, ee, -nk, initial blends, final blends, Suffix -ed /t/, -y as long i, all, wa, -tch, 3 letter clusters, silent e, e drop rule, compound words, Suffix -er (doer); many high frequency irregular words
Level 2: contractions, VCCV, -y (baby), Suffixes -ed (all sounds), or, ar, -er, -est, homophones, kind/old words, Common Long Vowels: oa, ai, ea, ow, igh, Schwa, Suffixes: es, en, ish, y, ly, ful, less, VCV, VCCCV, -VCe in 2nd syllable, er, ur, ir, Vowel Teams: ou, ow, oo, oi, oy, -Cle, soft c and g, ea (bread/steak), dge, au, aw; many high frequency irregular words
Level 3: R Controlled: Vrr, ear, wor, war, quar, Spelling Rules: 1-1-1, Y, Less Common Vowel Teams: ew, ue, oe, ie, ou (soup), ui, aught, ought, eigh, ey, ei, Silent Letters: kn, wr, mb, gu, gh, gn, ph, Suffixes/Final Syllables: -able, -age, -ment, -ness, -al, -ous, -tion, -sion, Double Suffixes, Prefixes: re, pre, un, dis, mis, pro, de, ex, /sh/ ci, ti, VV Syllable Division; some high frequency irregular words
Level 4: Uncommon Vowel Team eu, Sound Changers tu/du, i in multisyllabic words, VrV, i=/y/, Sounds of y, Endings: ture, sure, -ar, -or, -ent/ence, ant/ance, -cy, -ward, -on, -en, -on, -ain, -ine, -ite/ate/et, -ct, -ic, -ive, -ible, -ary, Accent Patterns, Prefixes: under, para, ab, per, trans, inter, mal, anti/counter/contra, en/em, Assimilated Prefixes: sub, con, ad, in, French and Greek Layers: ch, que, gue, combining forms, 2-1-1 Spelling Rule; some irregular words
Common Latin Roots: aud, cede/cess/ceed, dict, form, ject, miss/mit, ped/pod, tend/tend/tens, port, rupt, script/scrib, sist, spect, struct/stru, terr, tract, vis/vid, vit/viv, voc/vok